Pic of the Day October 10, 2016“Now here’s an extraordinarily relevant image for our times: Karen Jilly’s Looking for the Golden Sun, 42 by 48 inches, acrylic and varnish on wood panel. Jilly says her urban landscapes address issues of “place, displacement, and home.” (Her husband is of Hungarian descent. In 1966, his family was granted asylum in the U.S. She says, “we watched with horror at the treatment of the [Syrian] refugees and the installation of barbed wire in Budapest.”) The roof in this dizzying image is of the Keleti train station in Hungary, while the tracks are patterned after the train tracks in Berlin. The painting speaks to the universal plight of refugees. By the end of 2015, as she points out, “65.3 million people had been displaced from their homes worldwide. Have we not learned anything from history?” —Ann Landi
Ann Landi is the Founder and Editor of Vasari21.com. She has spent more than 20 years of writing about art for the publications ARTnews and The Wall Street Journal.

looking for the golden sun